Saturday, November 12, 2011

New Facebook Group

After Facebook got rid of the old groups I noticed that ours was deleted, so I made a new one:

New Meeting Location

For the months of November and December, we will meet at the Applebee's in Ann Arbor:

2310 Green Road, Ann Arbor, MI, 48105
(It is located just off of US 23 and Plymouth Rd.)

Thursday November 17 at 9pm and Thursday December 15th 9pm

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cohort March 24th

We will be meeting Thurs. March 24th in Old Village Plymouth, at Hermann's Olde Town Grille- 195 W Liberty St. Plymouth, MI 48170.  It is a great local bar and grill with a full menu.
The "official" start time is 9 PM, but some folks may start arriving around 8:30.
There is no set agenda - generally we talk about what God is doing in our lives and ministries, share plans/frustrations/ideas, talk about books, etc.

For questions, email Mike or RSVP to the event via our Facebook page

Monday, February 7, 2011

Church in the Inventive Age: A Conversation With Doug Pagitt

Thurs 2/24/11 7-9 PM

Central Woodward Christian Church
3955 W Big Beaver Rd
Troy, MI

Doug Pagitt has recently authored the book Church in the Inventive Age. He will be leading a conversation about what it means to be church in this new Inventive Age at Central Woodward Christian Church. Books will be available for purchase at the event.

Doug is pastor of Solomon's Porch in Minneapolis.

This conversation with Doug is being held the same day as CWCC hosts the Social Phonics Bootcamp, which is a separate event for church leaders and pastors.

See this site