Sunday, February 17, 2008

Faces of an emerging Church

Across the country, small groups of Christians are attempting to model their lives off of those early Christians from the book of Acts who tried to live a simple life of obedient faith in community with other Christians.

For example, you may read...
A Boston Globe Article, "The Unexpected Monks"

about A Christian Community in San Francisco called "Seven"

about another Christian Community called "The Simple Way"in Philadelphia

An article from "Christianity Today" called "The New Monasticism"

An article from "The Christian Century" - "The New Monastics"


andrea said...

Any movement on creating or continuing an emergent church in Ann Arbor? I just moved here and am interested in being a part of a community or at least a dialogue about this. Thanks!

Mike the reluctant Michigander said...

Not directly in Ann Arbor, no - our cohort is still in its early stages and on the grow.
We are currently meeting at various place around the metro area for conversations.

Next "conversation" Jan. 31 - see new post for details.

One good church in your area - though a bit "mega" - is the Vineyard Church. The pastor over there is a good guy.